Employers passionate about developing their organisation’s culture, engagement levels and workplace environment can now sign up to take part in the new Best Employers Eastern Region 2021 Programme.

Best Employers Eastern Region is a community for organisations that believe success is achieved through their people. It brings together employers from across the East of England to develop fresh ideas to keep their culture fresh, enabling your people to thrive.

From its roots as an employee survey, Best Employers supports leaders to continuously develop their organisation’s culture, engagement levels and working environment. It encourages collaboration and provides the opportunity hear from global industry speakers who have experienced similar challenges first hand. Best Employers also supports organisations to develop their employee brand through awards and accreditations.

Lynn Walters, Executive Director at Pure and co-founder of Best Employers Eastern Region, said: “Following a year of incredible change, this is a great forum to share our experiences and learnings - to learn from each other and understand how the change has impacted our employees, our organisations priorities, culture and values. As a professional recruitment consultancy for our region, we have seen first-hand the significant impact that the pandemic has had. Engagement, culture and values are essential to retain and attract the best talent and despite the recession, top talent in specialist areas are still in high demand.”

Through a programme of inspiring online events and webinars, participating organisations will have the opportunity to learn and hear from international speakers and business leaders across our region. They will share their experience and what they learnt from leading through a challenging time.

The Best Employers survey, provided by co-founders, eras Ltd, will gives organisations the information they need to understand their current levels of engagement. George Sik, Consultant Psychologist at eras ltd says, “The timing of the Best Employer survey couldn’t be better. The opportunity for organisations to gather feedback from their staff at this time, when we have many people working remotely, is invaluable and we expect to see some significant shift in the levels of engagement. The opportunity to track their progress and benchmark their organisation against other top employers incredibly valuable.”

The new 2021 programme will begin with a virtual launch event on 22nd April 2021 which will mark the opening of the employee engagement survey. This will be followed by webinars on:

  • Engaging and leading remote and onsite teams
  • Health, wellness and developing workforce resilience
  • Fostering an innovative, hungry and progressive culture
  • Recruitment, onboarding and rewarding your team

Hosted by Best Employers co-founders Eras, there will also be a series of workshops available to participating organisations that will show you how to set up your Best Employers survey.

Best Employers was born out of a collaboration in 2012, between Alex Pearce, Managing Director of eras ltd and Lynn Walters, Executive Director of Pure. 

Alex very sadly and unexpectedly died in October 2020, and to mark his legacy, Best Employers 2021 will raise money in his memory.  50% of the net proceeds raised through our 2021 programme will be donated to Winston Wishes and Nelsons Journey.

By participating, organisations enhance their profile and employer brand and commit to creating progressively engaged organisations.  while the prestigious Best Employer awards and accreditations have become an exceptional showcase of the businesses people want to be a part of. In 2018, almost 150 organisations and 15,000 people took part with eight Best Employer awards and 40 gold and platinum accreditations presented.

For more information on Best Employers Eastern Region visit - 
